義工招募﹕耆康會何善衡夫人敬老院活動 (2024年10至12月) Volunteer Recruitment: Activities for SAGE Madam Ho Sin Hang Home For The Elderly





參加者需於訪問前出席最少二次籌備會議 (10月平日晚上),而訪問當日將會由耆康會何善衡夫人敬老院同工為同學講解有關訪問技巧、資料收集及整理,並向院友們進行訪問及探訪。

訪問日期﹕20241026 (星期六)
時間﹕上午9 –下午1
地點﹕耆康會何善衡夫人敬老院 (香港薄扶林沙灣徑1) (書院將會提供交通接送)
義工人數﹕8-10 (同學將會分成2-3人小組)

參加者出席訪問籌備會議、訓練、訪問活動及完成製作回憶錄,將可獲得 15分宿分**



日期﹕20241122 (星期五)

**參加者出席活動前籌備及校園遊活動,將可獲得 10 分宿分**


在聯歡會上,同學將為院友們進行遊戲或表演節目,及一同與他們歡度聖誕。同學將組成義工小組,商討表演環節及進行活動前綵排 (10月至11月平日晚上 及 最少出席二次活動綵排)

活動日期﹕202412 1 (星期日)
地點﹕耆康會何善衡夫人敬老院 (香港薄扶林沙灣徑1) (書院將會提供交通接送)
義工人數﹕8- 10 (同學需擔任司儀,帶領遊戲及協助分發獎品)

參加者出席活動前籌備及聖誕聯歡會,將可獲得 10 分宿分**


活動截止報名日期﹕103 (星期四晚上1159


如對各義工活動有查詢,可電郵我們 (wellness@hsu.edu.hk)


Dear Wellnessians,

S H Ho S H Ho Wellness College has been invited by the SAGE Madam Ho Sin Hang Home for The Elderly to collaborate in providing a series of activities for the elderly.  Students who are interested can choose to participate in either one or all of the three volunteer activities, and the College encourages students to take part in all the volunteer activities.

1st Activity: 
情誼祖父母 (Life Book for Elderly)

Students will 
interview the residents of the elderly home to learn their life stories, and based on the information gathered, create a life book for the elderly.

Students are required to attend at least two preparation meetings before the interview (on weekday evenings in October).  On the day of the interviews, staff from the SAGE Madam Ho Sin Hang Home for The Elderly will explain interview techniques, data collection, interviews and visit with the elderly.

Interview Date: 26 October 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Venue: SAGE Madam Ho Sin Hang Home for The Elderly (Address: 1 Sha Wan Drive, Pokfulam, Hong Kong) (Transportation services will be provided)
No. of Volunteer: 8 (Students will be divided into groups of 2 to 3)
Language: Proficiency in Cantonese is preferred

**Participants who attend the preparation meeting, training, interview activities, and complete the life book will earn 15 RC Points.**

2nd Activity: HSUHK Campus Tour

Students will form a volunteer group to plan the content and activities for a half-day tour of HSUHK for the elderly.  On the day of the event, they will lead the elderly in touring the HSUHK campus. (Students are required to attend at least ONE 
preparation meetings)

Activity Date: 22 November 2024 (Friday)
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Venue: HSUHK Campus and RCs
No. of Volunteer: 8

**Participants who attend the preparation meeting and complete the tour will earn 10 RC Points.**

3rd Activity: Christmas Celebration at 
SAGE Madam Ho Sin Hang Home for The Elderly

At the celebration, students will organise games or performance programmes for the residents to enjoy Christmas together. Students will form a volunteer group to discuss the performance segment and conduct rehearsals before the event (weekday evenings in October and November and attend at least TWO rehearsals).

Event Date: 1 December 2024 (Sunday)
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Venue: SAGE Madam Ho Sin Hang Home for The Elderly (Address: 1 Sha Wan Drive, Pokfulam, Hong Kong) (Transportation services will be provided)
No. of Volunteer: 8 – 10  (Students will need to serve as hosts, leading the games and assisting in the distribution of prizes on the event day)

**Participants who attend the preparation meetings and attend the Christmas Celebration will earn 10 RC Points.**

In addition, if students participate in all three volunteer activities, they will receive an additional 10 accommodation points as a reward.

Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/r/iKpJirT3ks
Registration Deadline: 3 October 2024 (Thu) 11:59PM

We encourage and look forward to everyone’s participation in bringing joy and care to the residents of the SAGE Madam Ho Sin Hang Home for The Elderly!

If you have any enquires regarding the activities, please feel free to contact us on wellness@hsu.edu.hk.

Best regards,
S H Ho S H Ho Wellness College Management Team