Tuesday with Fellows

S H Ho Wellness College is dedicated to create learning opportunities outside the classroom “Tuesdays with Fellows” is a fantastic event for residents to meet new people and ideas.

In these two-hour classes, residents will learn about a specific topic chosen by their Residential Fellows. We treasure small class learning and hope our Fellows and residents can build a long-term and supportive relationship. By the end of the classes, resident will take away some concrete knowledge and skills, as well as new perspectives in seeing their life.


Talks and workshop on the interesting and up-to-date topics were orgaised by Fellows. The topics in 2022-23 are listed as follows:

  1. Strategies for Getting Attention on Social Media
  2. DIY Artwork by Soft Air Dry Clay
  3. 加息關你乜事?


A series of online talks on a wide range of interesting topics has established a close relationship between the residents and the Fellows. The topics in 2021-22 are listed as follows:

  1. Handcraft Flower Art Workshop
  2. At Home Workout – Tabata and Theraband
  3. Online Painting Workshop
  4. At Home Workout – Online Version
  5. Online English Learning Game


A series of online talks on a wide range of interesting topics has established a close relationship between the residents and the Fellows. The topics in Semester 2, 2019-20 are listed as follows:

  1. Something Sweet in Life
  2. Life is like a camera
  3. Say Goodbye to COVID-19
  4. British Culture Appreciation
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