Hiking - Lau Shui Heung Reservoir, Fanling
地點: 粉嶺流水響水塘
日期: 2024年11月9日(週六)
時間: 下午二時至五時半
集合時間: 下午二時
集合地點: 書院大堂
請在10 月31日前按此[報名] (稍後將有電郵通知報名結果), 參與者完成後將獲5分書院活動參與積分。
- 去程將組織大家一起乘搭城巴78C從書院前往粉嶺皇后山邨, 再由皇后山邨出發至流水響水塘,全程約2小時。大家也可以自行離開或隨大隊返回書院。
- 參加者需穿著運動鞋和帶備足夠飲用水,有需要可帶防曬和防蚊裝備。
如有查詢,請電郵至善衡善衡康活書院 wellness@hsu.edu.hk
Dear Wellnessians,
As we approach the end of the first semester, why not take a break from your busy study schedule? Join us for a relaxing hike to enjoy some fresh air and experience nature. Our destination is the Lau Shui Heung Reservoir in Fanling, which features an easy walking route suitable for all students.
Venue: Lau Shui Heung Reservoir, Fanling
Date: 9 November 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00pm – 5:30pm
Meeting time: 2:00pm
Meeting point: Lobby on G/F, Wellness
You may register [HERE] by 31 October 2024 (Email confirmation will be sent to successful applicants), and 5 RC points can be earned upon completion.
- Participants will gather at Lobby on G/F, RC2. Then we will ride the bus (78C) to Queen’s Hill Estate where we can access the starting point to Lau Shui Heung Reservoir. It’s an easy walk that takes around 2 hours to finish. We will dismiss at the Queen’s Hill Estate or you may follow the group to return S H Ho Wellness College.
- Please wear sports shoes and bring enough drinking water. Bring sunscreen and mosquito repellent if necessary.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us (wellness@hsu.edu.hk).
Best regards,
S H Ho S H Ho Wellness College Management Team