Fruit Delivery

Dear Wellnessians,

We are happy to announce that Fruit Delivery will take place on 17 October 2024 (Thursday) at 8:00 PM. Paul, our Master, along with Kaz, our Associate Master, Regina, Kaela, and Zon, our RC Tutors, as well as Peggy and Roy, our RLA, will visit every room in the College to share handpicked fruits with you.

See you all tomorrow!

Best regards,
S H Ho S H Ho Wellness College Management Team


院長Paul、副院長Kaz 、三位Tutors Regina、 Kaela 和 Zon,以及兩位RLA Peggy 和Roy 將於明天(10月17日) 晚上8時, 走訪書院各房間派發生果,歡迎大家及就新一學年送上鼓勵及充滿愛心的祝福﹗

