S H Ho Wellness College Welcoming Party
Dear Wellnessians,
Welcome to the S H Ho S H Ho Wellness College.
The first activity of the College, WELCOMING PARTY, will be held as follows:
Date: 11 September 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Venue: RC Communal Hall
For those who are new to the College are REQUIRED to join. Those who join the party will have a higher chance of successful registration of subsequent Wellness activities. Returning students are also welcomed but priority will be given to newly admitted residents.
Games, gifts, food and new buddies (including College Master, Associate Master, Tutors and other new residents) are waiting for you.
The Welcoming Party is free of charge! Please click HERE to register!
(Registration deadline: 6 September 2024 12:00 noon)
*As food is pre-ordered, walk-in on the day is not entertained. Please register in advance.
Wish to see you all.
Best Regards,
S H Ho S H Ho Wellness College Management Team
書院本年度第一個活動 – 迎新派對將會在9月11日 (星期三) 晚上7時半至9時半於住宿書院禮堂舉行!
屆時將會有遊戲﹑美食﹑小禮物和新朋友 (包括院長﹑副院長﹑導師及其他新生) 在等候大家!